A better tomorrow
starts today.

At DDX we strive to combine an international event quality
with sustainability guidelines and meassures.

A day to ignite positive innovation and impact.

At DDX we bring together people from different backgrounds -
to explore what could be done to change the future
for the better.

How are we fostering sustainability?

Incorporating measures for more sustainability at the DDX Conferences.

Recycle & Reuse Materials.

We are reusing materials from each event in the following year and keep our printed branding material consistent to make it possible
to reuse it.

Vegetarian Food Options.

Our events are always offering vegetarian food options and source local suppliers.

Community Diversity
& Inclusion.

… we have a lot woman talking.. and we have over 50% woman in the audience.

Adding Local Speakers.

We aim for having over 50% of speakers to be highly regional to reduce transportation emissions.

Social & Student Tickets.

We partner with educational institutions, university and volunteers to make the event as accessible as possible.

Carbon Transparency.

we calculate our footprint based on offical carbon standards and engage our attendees.


printing on recyled paper etc

Fostering Education & Opportunties.

We educate on sustainability and responsible innovation during our events and make this a component of the agenda.

Showcasing Positive Impact.

The ddx awards highlight startups and ideas with positive impact we are happy to give the stage etc.

Do you have more ideas? Let us know!





Together with Footprint Intelligence we empower our community to learn about their footprint.

Trust starts with transparency.

We generate 2100 kg CO2e / event. 99% of our emissions come from the services and products we utilize - 1% from our operations.


Printing, Advertising, Digital

1150 kg CO2e


Hotels, Transportation, Guests

475kg CO2e


Food, Beverages

470kg CO2e


Electricity, Heating, Waster, Water

30kg CO2e

2023 DDX Munich Emission Data

We leverage the AI-based intelligent sustainability platform to calculate our carbon footprint.

Calculated in under 10min via the Footprint Intelligence Platform.